


苏明 男,中共党员,毕业于东南大学化学化工学院,工学博士(2009-2013),2013年引进至bat365中文官方网站化学与环境科学学院。主持河北省重点专项、自然科学基金、河北省教育厅基金、保定国家级高新区“揭榜挂帅”项目等多项,在Trends in Analytical ChemistryAnalytica Chimica ActaFood Chemistry等国际期刊发表SCI研究论文多篇。





1.主讲课程: 食品生物工程、原子光谱分析、仪器分析

2.研究方向: 多维纳米复合材料组装、快速检测试剂盒开发、柔性可穿戴电化学传感器研发


(1) Chenfeng Wang, Xin-Yue Sun, Ming Su*, Yi-Peng Wang, Yun-Kai Lv*Electrochemical biosensors based on antibodies, nucleic acids and enzymes functionalized graphene for the detection of disease-related biomolecules. Analyst, 2020, 145, 1550-1562.

(2) Ming Su, Peiyun Chen, Hanwen Sun*, Development and analytical application of chemiluminescence with some super normal metal complexes as oxidant. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 2018, 100, 36-52.

(3) Zhe Meng, Zhihong Shi, Ming Su*, Hanwen Sun*, In vitro metabolism analysis of sulfamerazine in mice liver by ultra performance liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Current Pharmaceutical Analysis, 2018 14, 17-22.

(4) Ming Su, Licong Jia, XingqiangWu and Hanwen Sun*, Residue investigation of some phenylureas and tebuthiuron herbicides in vegetables by ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled with integrated selective accelerated solvent extraction-clean up in situ. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2018, 98, 4845–4853.

(5) Dongdong Wang, Fanlin Li, Ming Su*, Hanwen Sun, Application of capillary electrophoresis coupling with electrochemiluminescence detection to estimate activity of butyrylcholinesterase. Journal of Applied Pharmaceutical Science, 2018, 8, 007-014.

(6) Ming Su, Peiyun Chen, Yajuan Dong, Hanwen Sun*, Chemiluminescence of grapheme quantum dots induced by acidic potassium permanganate and its application to quenchometric flow-injection assays of hydroquinone in water. Journal of Luminescence, 177, 204–208, 2016.


1. 河北省中药材有害残留检测方法研究与绿色生态评价,河北省创新能力提升计划专项,(225A4802D),2022-2025,150万,主持,在研。

2. 肿瘤标志物精准识别与诊断一体化研发平台,保定国家高新区“揭榜挂帅”项目,(2022创004)2022-2024,60万,主持,在研。

3. 横向课题,晨光生物开放基金,2019-2022,18万,主持,结题。

4. 食品安全综合研究,bat365中文官方网站,(7992072170242017-201930万,主持,结题。

5. 基于肝药代谢P450酶反应器的构建及其在药物遴选中的应用研究,河北省教育厅青年基金 QN2016087, 2016-2018,  2.5 , 主持,结题。

6.基于P450酶电化学传感器的药物代谢与代谢基因毒性研究新方法,河北省自然科学基金委员会青年项目, (B2015201193), 2015-2018, 4万元, 主持,结题。
